Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2017

#CFP: Special Issue on #Politics of #shame; #Feminism and #Psychology

Call for papers

A Politics of Shame:  A Special Issue of Feminism & Psychology

Guest Editors: Tamara Shefer, Ronelle Carolissen, Viv Bozalek & Sally R. Munt


Shame is central and unavoidably part of the micropolitics and power relations of everyday life. Usually regarded as a generalised negative global self-assessment, shame has been understood as having the potential to silence, degrade, humiliate, isolate, exclude and negate a sense of belonging. Much work on shame in psychology fits in this individualising and individualistic genre.  However, as feminist and critical scholars have argued, shame also has productive potential for re-evaluating one's position in the world and connections to others. The politics of shame presupposes a relational and social connection with others; it refers both to the acknowledgement of collective responsibility through connections and to the potential for the undoing of what Tronto has called 'privileged irresponsibility', through democratic deliberations about historical and political circumstances. This special issue aims to extend dialogue, debate and commentary at the interface of feminism and psychology in creating a platform for articles that integrate research, practice and broader social concerns and contribute to current feminist scholarship (such as Locke, Probyn, Munt and others) on the political and ethical value of shame.

We invite papers that deal with a politics of shame within a gendered and intersectional framework and that expand on themes such as:

·      critical pedagogies that incorporate shame for transformation

·      the embodied and everyday nature of shame in diverse cultural contexts

·      shamed identities/shamed cultures

·      shame as a regulatory practice (in the reproduction of power and privilege)

·      politics and shame (shame as a tool of political change) 

We welcome papers from academics, activists, and practitioners at different stages of their careers. Submissions may be theoretical, empirical, or methodological, and/or focus on research and practice. Full length articles (maximum length: 8000 words) are preferred but commentaries and brief reports are welcome. Manuscript submission guidelines can be found All submissions will undergo anonymous peer review.

Feminism & Psychology is hosted on SAGE Track 

If you have questions, please contact the Corresponding Guest Editor: Tamara Shefer, putting 'Special Issue' in the subject line.

Deadline for submissions is 31 July 2017. We anticipate a publication date in early 2019.

Initiative Kritische Psychologie
Initiative Critical Psychology

Daniel Sanin
Klinischer und Gesundheitspsychologe
Clinical and Health Psychologist

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